Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"Africanization", the death of democracy: must the west intervene?

"Africanization" seems to be the buzzword on the lips African politicians these days. But what does the term really mean, and what does it entail?

Wikipedia defines the term as follows:
"...refers to the modification of place names or personal names to better reflect an "African" identity. In some cases, changes are not strictly a change of name, but simply a transliteration different from the European name (e.g. Antananarivo)"
But in South Africa and Zimbabwe, this word has a much more ominous meaning. Not only does it describe the changing of placenames, but also chasing whites of their farms and eradicating all signs of existence of western civilization. This is evident in South Africa through (amongst others) the ANC's desecration of Afrikaner monuments, the eradication of Afrikaans as learning-medium in schools and universities, and certainly not the least, the implementation of autocracy and despotism in stead of democracy. Let's not forget the genocide-induced diaspora of whites and coloureds out of Southern Africa and the so-called land redistribution policy (which takes farmland from skilled white farmers and hands it over to unskilled black persons). In short, all of this points to an intentional change of political system by the ruling party, the ANC, and its allies. South Africa mutated from a system of Apartheid, to a democracy, to an autocracy and it is currently in the transitional phase to become a totally communistic state.

The excuse of "Africanization" is often propagated to unjustly seize control of the assets of citizens and entities within Southern Africa, as was demonstrated by the Zimbabwean landgrabs.

It is no wonder then, that western mining corporations such as Anglo-American are now also being forced to "Africanize" by the ANC. This comes at a time when China and Russia are strengthening their foothold in Africa, especially in the mining-sector, and when South Africa and Zimbabwe are both "building ties" with China.

It is a well-known fact that China supplied Mugabe's supporters with T-shirts right before the election in Zimbabwe and that he himself was given several expensive bribes. The Chinese now have control over the mines in Zimbabwe. (See previous post: "Who funds Africa's oppressors?")

What is also of concern, is that uranium is one of the byproducts of some of these mines that have now been taken over by the communists, or by the communist inclined oppressors of Southern Africa. What will the Chinese and the Russians do with their newly mined uranium?

The west needs to ask itself: "Have communism ever brought prosperity? Can this oppression be allowed to continue? Can the west afford to let the mineral riches of Africa fall into the hands of the communists? Can the west afford to stand on the side while another genocide unfolds before their eyes? Is it safe to stand on the sidelines?"